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Increase Testosterone Levels

Many men suffer from low testosterone levels and its physical and psychological consequences.  So-called phytoestrogen, which can help with naturopathic harmonization of the hormone balance, has long been known for women with hormone disorders.  Male phytoandrogen, however, is much less well known, but can help men increase their testosterone levels. In addition, certain vital substances and foods can be selected that have a positive effect on testosterone levels.

Low Testosterone Levels – The Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency

Men’s menopause is not really accepted by our society yet, but of course that doesn’t change anything about their existence.  Men who are affected experience falling testosterone levels and associated symptoms, including the following:

  • Irritability, dissatisfaction and fears;
  • Lack of energy and tiredness (e.g. falling asleep immediately after eating), sleep disturbances at night;
  • Declining libido;
  • Less frequent morning erections;
  • Declining muscle strength;
  • Lower athletic performance and lower performance in everyday work;
  • Hot flashes, sweats;
  • Small testicles;
  • Less beard and chest hair growth;
  • Increased abdominal fat accumulation;
  • Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure);
  • Decreasing bone density;
  • Joint pain (which has nothing to do with arthrosis or arthritis, but is hormonal)

The symptoms of testosterone deficiency already show what tasks testosterone – the so-called male hormone – normally has in healthy men.

It gives strength and assertiveness, ensures a healthy libido and potency, increases bone density and allows body hair to sprout. Women also have testosterone, but in much smaller amounts than men.

Menopause in Men: Does It Exist or Does It Not Exist?

Why isn’t men’s menopause taken seriously? Quite simply because most medical scientists still believe they don’t exist – not because they haven’t been found in any studies. There is too much focus on a comparison with women’s menopause. Women lose their fertility during menopause, men do not necessarily. So there is no menopause in men.

However, menopause is not defined by the degree of fertility. Menopause is just a time of hormonal changes and declining hormone performance – and this is exactly the time for men too.

Due to the ignorance on the part of the so-called “experts”, the symptoms are not recognized or misinterpreted. People are only too happy to blame the corresponding psychological complaints on a mid-life crisis, which of course breaks into the life of the man concerned without any reason. Physical symptoms, on the other hand, are regarded as completely normal signs of aging that occur sooner or later and with which one has to put up with – as is often the case in conventional medicine. Even today, hardly any doctor thinks of a testosterone deficiency.

The problem is occasionally discussed in the media, for example: “One in five men has too little testosterone in their blood,” and “doctors are puzzled about the causes: not only in old age, but increasingly younger people also have a deficiency.”

Declining Testosterone Levels: The Causes

“Younger” here means 30 to 40 years old.  Testosterone levels can be low even at this age if certain factors come together.  These factors include:

  • Overweight with a lot of belly fat (apple type), since the female hormone estrogen is formed in the abdominal fat tissue. The following therefore applies: the fattier the abdomen, the lower the testosterone level. And: If you are overweight and want to increase your testosterone levels, you have to lose weight.
  • Stress, as the stress hormone cortisol lowers testosterone levels.
  • Lack of exercise as exercise raises testosterone levels.

One of the most important causes of the falling testosterone level is also the hormonal effect of the so-called endocrine disruptors. These are chemicals from the environment that have a similar effect to hormones in the body and can therefore irritate the hormonal balance.

Some of examples of hormonal disorders caused by endocrine disruptors include:

  • Plasticizers such as bisphenol A found in plastics made of polycarbonate, epoxy resins, polyester, PVC etc. and organophosphates (pesticides in agriculture and in allotments);
  • Phthalates in pharmaceuticals (e.g. in those that are resistant to gastric acid, i.e. they only release their active ingredients in the intestine), plastics and personal care products;
  • Flame retardants known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) e.g. in upholstered furniture;
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) derived from waste gases from wood and petroleum or coal combustion;
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), once used as coolants and lubricants for transformers and other electronic equipment (PCBs have been banned but can still exist in the environment for decades.)

So we’re constantly dealing with these substances, no matter what we do, what we buy, what we eat.  And so it’s no wonder if the consequences of this constant external hormonal stress show up in the form of health problems.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men – The Side Effects

Menopause in men is a typical invention that only the pharmaceutical industry benefits from. It rightly draws attention to the dangers of replacement therapy with synthetic hormones, which some so-called anti-aging doctors would like to recommend to their male patients.

A synthetic hormone replacement therapy is actually only to be used in cases of hardship. For example, it can damage the liver and kidneys, lead to cardiovascular problems, increase cholesterol, enlarge the sebaceous glands, irritate the thyroid, increase the risk of depression or increase the PSA level (which can indicate prostate disease including prostate cancer) .

Get Testosterone Levels Measured

Who is right and whether one would like to describe the age-related testosterone deficiency as menopause or not, can be completely indifferent to the individual man.  Those who suffer from a certain complex of symptoms just want to know what is causing it.

In order to rule out a testosterone deficiency, one could therefore simply initiate a corresponding blood test at the family doctor or urologist, whereby it often takes a lot of persuasion until the respective doctor agrees.

Testosterone Home Test

There are now home tests that you can order online. To do this, a saliva sample is sent to a laboratory, which reports the result within a few days. You can choose which hormones you want to have tested.

Here are some of  testosterone home test kits:

However, it is often not just the amount of a single hormone that matters, but also the relationship between the various hormones (testosterone, estradiol and DHEA (DHEA is the precursor of both female and male sex hormones)). Therefore, there are also tests that examine all sex hormones that are relevant for men.

Blood tests usually automatically check several hormones at the same time.

Advantage of the saliva test: While the hormones bound to proteins and thus ineffective hormones are also measured in the blood, only the free and effective hormones are present in the saliva.

Increase Testosterone Levels – The Naturopathic Measures

If the testosterone level is perfect, there is no need for any further consideration in this direction. However, if you do find low testosterone levels, these are a few options you can consider.

1. Increase testosterone levels with phytoandrogens

Phytoandrogens are plants that contain plant androgens (“male hormones”) that stimulate androgen production in the body or inhibit androgen breakdown. Phytoandrogens therefore increase the level of free testosterone and also ensure a healthy testosterone-estrogen balance.

Alternatively, you can find the following program to increase testosterone levels (e.g. for three months or in consultation with a doctor/non-medical practitioner):

The medicinal plants mentioned have the following effect on the organism:

Pine pollen is particularly rich in testosterone-like plant hormones. Pine seeds (pine nuts) also contain some plant-based testosterone, but not as much as pollen. Scots pine and black pine pollen are suitable if someone wants to collect the pollen themselves in early spring.

However, it is said that the pollen is not easy to digest, so the bioavailability of the active ingredients is not that high. To increase bioavailability, manufacturers of pine pollen products crush the pollen cones very thoroughly and then make a tincture from them.

Of course, pine pollen does not only affect the hormone balance. They also increase the body’s antioxidant levels, stimulate liver regeneration and lower cholesterol levels .

The plant hormones found in pine pollen include plant testosterone and DHEA as well as brassinosteroids. They ensure lush growth in the plant. Their structure is very similar to that of human steroids. Pine pollen also contains glutathione transferases.  In addition, the glutathione transferases are involved in the production of testosterone and progesterone, ie they promote testosterone synthesis.

The testosterone content of the pine is so high that female fish living near paper mills that process pine wood can turn into male fish.

* Pine pollen from pine trees can be found here at this link.

Nettle root is known for its prostate-friendly effect. It is therefore often used in benign prostate enlargement (BPH). However, the actual mechanism of action has not yet been fully elucidated.

On the one hand, nettle root prevents DHT (dihydrotestosterone) from binding to SHBG (a transporter protein). This keeps the proportion of free and effective testosterone higher. The testosterone level increases.

DHT is actually the active testosterone. Testosterone, on the other hand, is really just a precursor hormone that can be converted to either DHT or estrogen.

It is precisely this latter transformation that can be blocked by the nettle root. It inhibits the so-called aromatase, an enzyme that would normally lead to the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and in this way keeps testosterone levels up.

It is sometimes said that in order to improve BPH, one must lower DHT levels. And since nettle root can help with BPH, it was thought that it actually lowered testosterone levels.

However, BPH is probably more about regulation of the testosterone/estrogen ratio. In men, testosterone levels drop with increasing age (yes, from the age of 30, so they say). The estrogen level, however, usually remains constant. Sooner or later an imbalance occurs here, which is why a natural increase in testosterone levels is helpful in order to achieve hormonal balance again. And this is exactly where the nettle root can help.

* You can find organic quality nettle root here at this link.

Tribulus terrestris is also called earth star and comes from the tropics and subtropics. The fruits of the plant are used.

Tribulus is known as a remedy for kidney health, as it prevents or reduces kidney stones and can protect and care for the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. It is also THE plant for promoting masculinity as well as male vitality and fertility. Tribulus is said to increase sperm count and sperm motility.

A clinical study showed that taking 500 mg of tribulus (a dry extract) three times a day for 60 days significantly increased sperm production in patients suffering from idiopathic OAT syndrome (they had insufficient sperm for no apparent reason).  In 80 percent of men, libido improved at the same time as did the qualities of erection, orgasm, and ejaculation.

However, whether the testosterone level can also be raised is still unclear. Tribulus cannot increase further in healthy men, but the fruit seems to have an effect on impotent men.

* Tribulus terrestris can be found here at this link.

Panax ginseng is known as an energy tonic that gives new vitality and mental clarity and improves fertility. Many of the typical areas of application of ginseng are also present in the case of a testosterone deficiency, e.g. concentration and sleep disorders, tiredness, lack of energy, reduced libido, weakness etc.

In a clinical study, ginseng increased testosterone levels and sperm count in participants, as well as improving sperm motility. And in two Russian studies, half of the subjects recovered from impotence, while the other half saw a significant improvement.

When buying Panax ginseng, please make sure that it is Asian ginseng and not American. A tincture is also recommended – ideally combined with a Tienchi Ginseng tincture (see next point). Both tinctures should be at least a 1:5 tincture, meaning that the tincture is made up of 1 part plants to 5 parts liquid.

* Panax ginseng can be found here at this link.

Tienchi ginseng is another type of ginseng, but its effects are similar to Panax ginseng. Tienchi Ginseng also improves sperm motility. It also stimulates the release of nitric oxide, a substance that stimulates blood flow and is essential for a satisfactory erection.

The blood circulation-promoting effect is of course also a blessing for the entire cardiovascular system, which is why clinical studies with people suffering from coronary heart disease showed a significant improvement in the typical angina pectoris symptoms.

It is true that ginseng contains the ginsenoside Rg1, which is known to be a potent phytoestrogen. However, only this isolated substance acts like an estrogen, but not a dietary supplement or tincture made from the whole ginseng root.

* Tienchi Ginseng can be found here at this link.

Eleutherococcus is also called Siberian ginseng. The root or just the bark of the root is used. Eleutherococcus contains at least two androgenically active substances (eleutheroside-B1 and eleutheroside-E), so it is not very surprising that the plant was able to prevent the atrophy (decay) of the prostate in studies and that in castrated animals the testosterone level was completely normal despite the absence of testicles could hold level.

Eleutherococcus is also considered a liver protection plant and adaptogen. Adaptogens are medicinal plants that can make you more resistant to stress. They ensure that stress no longer bothers you so much, that you can concentrate better and that you become mentally much more efficient.

In addition to Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea is also an extremely effective adaptogen – stress killer and herbal antidepressant

However, when buying the Eleutherococcus tincture, care should be taken to ensure that it is a tincture based on a Russian recipe, which means that it is at least a 1:1 tincture or, even better, a 2:1 tincture.

*Eleutherococcus can be found here at this link.

Note that the effects mentioned above have been handed down in particular from traditional naturopathy and therefore do not necessarily meet scientific standards. Although some effects were checked in studies in the countries of origin (China, India, etc.), the studies were never translated into English.

Current studies are also often carried out with young and athletic men with healthy testosterone levels, which rarely has an effect. Because medicinal plants are not boosters that raise a hormone level to limitless and dizzying heights at any time and in every person. Rather, they help the organism to achieve the individually healthy and appropriate values ​​when the level is too low, or at least to improve the symptoms.

In any case, discuss the use of these plant extracts with your doctor or naturopath who is experienced in phytotherapy.

2. Increase testosterone levels with certain supplements

In order to meet all the requirements for a successful increase in testosterone levels, it is of course also important to be well supplied with all vital substances, especially those that are essential for testosterone formation.

These include, in particular, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and the B vitamins. However, those dietary supplements that do not necessarily raise the testosterone level but generally have a very positive effect on men’s health (e.g. on the prostate, erections, sperm quality, libido, performance, etc.) are also helpful.

Zinc: The formation of testosterone is dependent on a zinc-containing enzyme. Without zinc, this enzyme cannot work and testosterone levels drop. If a zinc deficiency is remedied, the testosterone level also increases again.

Maca: The powder from a South American root cannot increase testosterone levels, but it still has great effects on the male body. Maca increases sperm production and can counteract abnormal prostate enlargement. In addition, Maca increases mental performance and is good for the bones.

L-Arginine: This amino acid has a beneficial effect on sperm quality and is an important source of nitric oxide, the properties of which we have already described above for Teinchi Ginseng. So, L-arginine can be helpful in these matters. However, L-arginine could not increase the testosterone level even with a daily intake of 3 g.  L-arginine plus pine bark extract for erectile dysfunction and L-arginine for muscle building and potency.

Olive leaf extract: The substance oleuropein is found in the olive leaf and also in smaller amounts in olive oil. It can raise the LH level and thus also the testosterone level, at the same time the stress hormone level is reduced. A specific dose is not known here, so we recommend implementing the manufacturer’s instructions for use.

Magnesium: Magnesium clearly raises testosterone levels, in both athletes and men who prefer a leisurely lifestyle.

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is said to increase testosterone levels when taken at 3,000 IU per day, as the vitamin is involved in regulating testosterone levels by inhibiting aromatase (see nettle root above).

B Vitamins: Most B vitamins are involved in testosterone production at some point, so as with any health issue, they play an important role here as well.

Therefore, check your supply of the vital substances and nutrients mentioned. If there is a deficiency in one area, take appropriate nutritional supplements, e.g. e.g.:

  • 25 – 30 mg zinc gluconate
  • 300-400 mg magnesium
  • as much vitamin D3 as you need
  • high-dose vitamin B complex e.g. B. B-Vitamin Mix from effective nature
  • The combination of astaxanthin and saw palmetto extract was also able to increase testosterone levels in a study.

3. Increase testosterone levels with certain foods

Diet can also affect testosterone levels by providing all the building blocks necessary for the formation of testosterone, supplying the relevant organs with all essential nutrients, and protecting the body from oxidative stress.

In addition, a diet that can increase testosterone levels provides testosterone-like substances and also nourishes the kidneys and adrenal glands.

These two organs are particularly closely linked to the male sex hormone balance. In addition to the testicles, the adrenal glands are another production site for testosterone. And the kidneys interact so much with testosterone that it is said that a man’s kidneys can only be as healthy as his sex hormone balance. If this is disturbed, the kidneys also suffer.

It is known, for example, that men with kidney disease usually have excessive estrogen levels and low testosterone levels at the same time. Diseased kidneys can lead to impotence.

Foods that now have a positive effect on testosterone levels and may increase them include the following:

  • Celery contains significant amount of testosterone-like compounds and is also known to help keep the kidneys and adrenal glands healthy. For example, celery lowers blood pressure, which the kidneys particularly like. Eat 3 to 4 sticks of celery a day, or juice them and drink the juice (mixed with other freshly squeezed juices, such as kale, cucumber, spinach, and apple).
  • Corn and especially the corn juice, the corn threads or the corn pollen are considered tonic to raise the testosterone level. Corn increases LH secretion, and LH is known to increase testosterone levels. Simply juice or blend 60-120g of fresh baby corn and mix with the freshly squeezed celery juice .
  • Cucumbers are known for their kidney-friendly effects. They provide lots of organic water and are great to mix with the above juice to dilute it.
  • Kale is one of the healthiest foods of all, which should not be missing in therapy to naturally increase testosterone levels. Kale and other cabbage plants contain substances that prevent too much estrogen from being formed from testosterone. Cabbages also provide plenty of beta-carotene, vitamin C, chlorophyll, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid and a lot of anti-cancer substances.
  • Spinach is as rich in vital substances as kale and, due to its nitrate content, improves the oxygen supply to the cells, which can be expressed in increased muscle growth, among other things. Spinach supports muscle formation, the mechanism by which spinach and other nitrate-rich vegetables give the body more strength and performance and can thus counteract general physical weakness.
  • Oats should be an important part of any diet and are best eaten on a daily basis. The oats taste excellent, are easily digestible and literally give you the strength of a bear. Oats are said to lower SHBG levels and thus increase the amount of free testosterone. In addition, oats have a relaxing effect on the nerves, which is also very beneficial for the hormone balance. Because the less the nerves are stressed, the less stress hormones are released, which would otherwise lower the testosterone level.
  • Garlic is a traditional means of increasing testosterone levels. Especially in studies with animals, garlic showed a resounding effect in terms of testosterone levels. However, you also have to consume a corresponding amount in order to achieve something with the garlic alone. In the studies, it’s 0.8 percent of the daily calorie intake. So if you eat 2,500kcal, for example, then 20kcal would be required in the form of garlic – that’s about 15g of garlic or 5 cloves of garlic, each 3g. If you hear warnings about garlic that it tends to lower testosterone levels, don’t worry. This is possible, but only if the garlic content of your meals is 10 to 30 percent, which hardly anyone will do from a culinary point of view.
  • Pine nuts have long been considered an aphrodisiac and a means of enhancing libido and potency. Consuming a mixture of pine nuts, almonds and honey three nights in a row can help you feel an increase in masculinity and vitality.
  • Like the pine pollen mentioned above, pine nuts also contain testosterone-like compounds and can have a positive effect on testosterone levels.

If none of the above options are sufficient, you can take action with bioidentical hormone preparations. These are not synthetic hormones that never really resemble the body’s own hormones, only slightly resemble them, but hormones that are absolutely identical to the body’s own.

4. Increase testosterone levels with bioidentical hormone supplements

Before you go directly to testosterone preparations, it is much more advisable to take the precursors of testosterone or apply them as a cream/gel. Then the organism can produce the required amount of testosterone itself without running the risk of overdosing in the long term. This is of course also possible with bioidentical hormones, which could then also lead to undesirable side effects.

The precursors of testosterone are DHEA (25 – 50 mg per day) and progesterone or pregnenolone (15 – 100 mg per day) – depending on the test result and age. The latter is made from the yam root and is in turn the precursor of testosterone, DHEA and progesterone.

Progesterone in particular is considered a hormone that is often found in insufficient amounts in men. However, if it disappears, the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease increases at the same time.

However, taking bioidentical hormone preparations should always be discussed with a knowledgeable therapist. Appropriate doctors and non-medical practitioners can be found on the Internet.

You can only work with a testosterone gel if a really massive testosterone deficiency is discovered in the saliva or blood test.

At the same time, there are factors you should absolutely avoid if you want to see your testosterone levels rise. These include, on the one hand, the sources of endocrine disruptors mentioned above and, the testosterone-lowering risk factors described below.

Increase Testosterone Levels: Avoid Testosterone Enemies

In any case, you should avoid alcohol and products or drinks that contain hops, such as beer.

Hops belong to a very strong phytoestrogen, which was known since ancient times because girls who worked regularly in hop fields became sexually mature very early. When men consume this plant-based estrogen, their testosterone levels drop. The ability of the testes to produce testosterone also decreases in the presence of hops.

A liquorice tea from time to time is not a problem, but you should not consume a pack of liquorice sticks every day. Because liquorice can increase the cortisol level, which in turn lowers the testosterone level.

If you also regularly take certain medications, you should check whether they can have a negative effect on your testosterone levels. These include, for example:

  • Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, and acetaminophen
  • antibiotics
  • antifungal agents such as fluconazole
  • statins
  • antidepressants
  • antihypertensive
  • heart medication

For more detailed information, we recommend Stephen Harrod Buhner’s book: The Natural Testosterone Plan.

Important NOTE

This article was written on the basis of various studies (at the time of publication), but should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment.  Therefore, it does not replace a visit to your doctor.  Always discuss any measure (whether from this or another articles) with your doctor first.

Everlywell Testosterone Test - at-Home Collection Kit - Accurate Results from a CLIA-Certified Lab Within Days - Ages 18+

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  • SIMPLE TEST - This Men's Total Testosterone test can serve as a first step in helping you understand if the symptoms you are experiencing, such as fluctuations in body fat or muscle mass, mood or libido changes may be connected to high or low testosterone levels.
  • CONVENIENT, AT-HOME SAMPLE COLLECTION KIT - Includes everything you need to take your sample (only a small amount of blood is needed). The prepaid shipping label included with the test makes it easy to send your sample to the lab for analysis. Due to an increase in demand, you'll get your test results on our secure online platform up to 5-8 days after the lab receives your sample.
  • EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND RESULTS - Gain meaningful insights about your health with easy-to-understand test results. Download and share with your healthcare provider, family, or friends. We also provide you with additional resources and helpful tips along the way.
  • CERTIFIED LABS - Each partner lab we choose to work with is CLIA-certified (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments). This means they must meet high standards to obtain both state and federal certifications and submit themselves to regular inspections.
  • PHYSICIAN-REVIEWED - Everlywell test orders and results are reviewed by a certified physician. Not available in New York. Test taker must be 18+.

Everlywell Men's Health Test - at-Home Collection Kit - Discreet, Accurate Results from a CLIA-Certified Lab Within Days - Ages 18+

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  • SIMPLE TEST - This test measures 4 key hormones (cortisol, free testosterone, DHEA, and estradiol). When measured together, the levels of these hormones offer a broader overview and greater insight into your hormonal balance and overall health and wellness, all from the comfort of your home.
  • CONVENIENT, AT-HOME SAMPLE COLLECTION - Test includes everything you need for sample collection (only a small amount of saliva is needed as a sample). The prepaid shipping label included with the test makes it easy to send your sample to the lab for analysis. Due to an increase in demand, you'll get your test results on our secure online platform up to 5-8 days after the lab receives your sample.
  • EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND RESULTS - Gain meaningful insights about your health with easy-to-understand test results. Download and share with your healthcare provider, family, or friends. We also provide you with additional resources and helpful tips along the way.
  • CERTIFIED LABS - Each partner lab we choose to work with is CLIA-certified (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments). This means they have to meet high standards to obtain both state and federal certifications and submit themselves to regular inspections.
  • PHYSICIAN-REVIEWED - Everlywell test orders and results are reviewed by a certified physician. Not available in New York. Test taker must be 18+.

Spermcheck Fertility Home Test Kit for Men- Shows Normal or Low Sperm Count- Easy to Read Results-Convenient, Accurate, Private

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  • PROVEN-ACCURATE HOME SPERM TEST KIT: SpermCheck Fertility uses scientifically-proven lateral-flow immunoassay technology to indicate normal or low sperm count in males, with an accuracy rate of over 98% in clinical trials.
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  • CONVENIENT, PRIVATE, & FAST: The SpermCheck Fertility male fertility test makes it easy and affordable for men to check sperm count quickly and discreetly in the comfort of home—in just 30 minutes or less.
  • EASY TO USE: Step-by-step illustrated instructions walk you through the simple sperm-test process from start to finish, so you can be sure you’re performing it correctly—no expensive gadgetry needed.
  • FSA/FHA-ELIGIBLE: It is recommended that men test their sperm count every few months while trying to conceive. SpermCheck is FSA/FHA-eligible, making following a testing schedule even more affordable.

Essential Hormone Test – Check 3 Vital Hormones (E2, Pg & T) with a Simple Saliva Sample– at-Home Test Kit – Verisana

$129.00  in stock
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as of September 1, 2024 10:38 am


  • ✅ CHECK: Measure your E2, Pg and T morning levels with this essential hormone test kit in order to detect hormonal imbalances like an estrogen dominance and/or a E2, Pg or T deficiency.
  • ✅ SYMPTOMS: Symptoms for hormonal imbalances could be fatigue, physical exhaustion, depression / depressive mood swings, sleeping disorders, menstrual and abdominal pain, nervousness, anxiety.
  • ✅ COMPREHENSIVE: Everything included – sample instruction, test tubes and a bag for return shipment. Scientific analysis by a CLIA certified lab and the laboratory report via email included in the price – see pictures for sample report with all 3 hormones.
  • ✅ SIMPLICITY: Easy hormone test to do at home – once you get your salivary test kit, take the sample and send it back to our lab.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Due to regulatory reasons, this test is currently not available in NY/NJ/RI/MD

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Testosterone Test – Testosterone Test Kits https://mensquests.com/testosterone-test/ https://mensquests.com/testosterone-test/#respond Wed, 18 Oct 2017 16:00:58 +0000 http://mensquests.com/?p=201 Testosterone Test / Hormone Test A testosterone test is a hormone test for the detection of the testosterone level in a saliva sample. Testosterone Test Benefits [wpsm_pros title=”Benefits:”] easy to…

The post Testosterone Test – Testosterone Test Kits appeared first on MensQuests.com.

Testosterone Test / Hormone Test

A testosterone test is a hormone test for the detection of the testosterone level in a saliva sample.

Testosterone Test Benefits

[wpsm_pros title=”Benefits:”]

  • easy to use
  • laboratory analysis, scientific evaluation
  • discreet shipping
  • straightforward at home


Testosterone Test Kits

Testosterone Test Kit | Men's Hormone Test | Determine Your Testosterone Level to Check Your Training Results | Measure the Impact of Testosterone Boosters | Verisana

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  • TRAIN BETTER: Get better training results by monitoring your testosterone level - measure if your testosterone level increases through trainings or boosters
  • DIAGNOSIS: Measure your testosterone level with this - diagnose symptomes of low or high testosterone levels and testosterone deficiency
  • SIMPLICITY: Easy hormone test to do at home - once you get your saliva test kit, take the sample and send it back to our laboratory
  • COMPLETE: Contains sample instruction, test tubes - scientific analysis and laboratory report via email
  • ANALYSIS: No additional costs - scientific analysis and laboratory report via email

Saliva Male Hormone Test Kit | Men's Hormone Test for Testosterone, Progesterone, Estradiol, DHEA and Cortisol | Hormone Balance For Men Test | Verisana

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  • DIAGNOSIS: Measure your progesterone, estradiol, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol level with this comprehensive hormone test for men
  • CONTROL: Diagnose a hormone imbalance, such as low testosterone, as a basis for hormone therapy
  • SIMPLICITY: Easy hormone test to do at home - once you get your saliva test kit, take the sample and send it back to our laboratory
  • COMPLETE: Everything included - sample instruction, test tubes and a bag for return shipment
  • ANALYSIS: No additional costs - scientific analysis and laboratory report via email

Saliva Hormone Test Analysis - Short Comprehensive Panel (6 tests) Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, and 2 Diurnal Cortisol

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  • Labrix saliva test is an FDA-Approved, easy, non-invasive way of assessing your hormone balance
  • 4 Color coded sample tubes to collect your saliva at 4 separate times over one day. Mail in prepaid box to Labrix. Results will be mailed to you in 10-14 days after samples are received by Labrix
  • Not for residents of NY state, CA residents must have a written order from a practitioner authorized to prescribe in the state of CA

12 Hormone Comprehensive Male Profile I Home Test Kit (Saliva: E2, T, DS, Cx4; Blood: PSA, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPO) - Includes Pre-Paid Sample Return Label

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  • Comprehensive Male Profile I Combines ZRT's Salivary Hormone Profile III With The Essential Thyroid Profile Tests In Dried Blood Spot. For Men, PSA Is Included Instead Of The Less Relevant (For Men) Salivary Progesterone. These Profiles Provide a Broad Assessment Of Possible Hormonal Imbalances Because They Assess Sex, Adrenal, And Thyroid Hormone Levels Which Work In Harmony And An Imbalance In One System Affects The Balance Of The Others
  • Consider For Fatigue, Sleep Disturbance, Decreased Cognition, Depression, Low Libido, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Infertility, Loss Of Bone And Muscle Mass, Weight Gain, Adrenal And Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Clinical Utility: Allows Physicians To Monitor For Estrogen Dominance, Hypogonadism, Andropause; Full Assessment Of Thyroid Health, Including Screening For Hypo Or Hyperthyroidism, Determining Free T4 Levels As Well As Free T3 Levels, Testing For Autoimmune Thyroid Disease And Monitoring Thyroid Replacement Dosages
  • Results In Approximately 5 to 7 Days Upon Receipt of Sample at the Lab
  • Safe and Easy At-Home Hormone Imbalance Saliva and Lancet Finger Prick Blood Spot Test For Men Of Any Age, No Additional Lab or Postage Fees Required!

Comprehensive Hormone Test for Women, Men & Kids – Testing Kit for 9 Hormonal Imbalances – Determine Your Testosterone, Progesterone, Estradiol, DHEA & Full Diurnal Cortisol (Cx5) Levels – Verisana

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  • DIAGNOSIS: Assess your progesterone, estradiol, testosterone, DHEA and diurnal cortisol (5x cortisol throughout the day) level with this comprehensive hormonal saliva test kit for women, men & children
  • CONTROL: Diagnose your hormonal balance and symptoms, such as adrenal fatigue, immune dysfunction, estrogen dominance, hypogonadism, osteoporosis, etc., as a basis for hormonal replacement therapy
  • SIMPLICITY: Easy & safe hormone test to do at home - once you get your salivary test kit, take the sample and send it back without shipping costs
  • COMPLETE: Contains sample instruction, test tubes - scientific analysis and laboratory report via email
  • ANALYSIS: No additional costs - scientific analysis and laboratory report via email within 5 to 7 business days upon receipt of sample at the lab

What is a testosterone test?

Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone that has a significant impact on health.  A testosterone deficiency can lead to reduced performance and weight gain.

A testosterone test is a medical lab test.  It is a laboratory analysis that allows you to measure the testosterone level.  The testosterone rapid test is a saliva test for which you can take the saliva sample at home and send it to a specialized partner laboratory.  There is a scientific evaluation.  You will receive your package immediately.

What is the testosterone test kit?

The testosterone test kit contains everything you need to carry out the test:

  • easy to understand instructions for saliva recovery
  • vessels for the saliva sample
  • straws
  • labels for the sample with imprint
  • shipping container
  • shipping packaging

How much does the testosterone quick test and how do I order?

Your test for testosterone deficiency can be ordered here online.  The test package with an understandable and detailed instruction will be sent to you immediately by mail. The testosterone test costs are under 30 euros including all materials, the scientific evaluation and the transmission of the findings.

Testosterone Test Application

With the test package you get everything you need to carry out the testosterone deficiency test.  Please also refer to the instructions for obtaining the saliva samples in the test pack of your testosterone test.

The sampling procedure is as follows:

Preparations of The Rapid Test

  • Do not brush your teeth before performing the sampling.
  • Make sure that you have no open wounds or bleeding injuries in the mouth.
  • Rinse your mouth with clear water before each sample collection. Do not use mouthwash, mouthwash
  • You must be sober before sampling. Eat and drink, do not suck sweets or chew gum.
  • Do not take any hormone drugs 2 days before the test.

Carry Out Testosterone Test

  • Carry out the tests in the morning, the first immediately after waking, the second about 30 minutes after getting up, the third about 1 hour after getting up.
  • Use the straw to fill the saliva into the tube. Close the container.
  • Label the tube by filling and sticking the label.
  • Place the tube in the shipping package and store all samples in the refrigerator. You can dispose of the straws.
  • Fill out the order form and place it together with the samples in the shipping box.
  • Send the box to the partner laboratory.

Click to order your testosterone test kits here at mensquests.com

The hormone test has a testosterone deficiency, what now?

If your testosterone test proves a testosterone deficiency, you should increase your testosterone.  You can do this by giving testosterone injections from your doctor or prescribing a testosterone patch.

But you can also increase your testosterone levels by exercising regularly.  Movement and activity stimulate the organism to testosterone production.  In addition or alternatively, you can also buy testosterone in the form of dietary supplements that boost testosterone.  Testosterone boosters have proven to be particularly effective, which act like natural anabolic steroids and are available without a prescription. Here you will find a selection of good testosterone preparations which you can order online.

The post Testosterone Test – Testosterone Test Kits appeared first on MensQuests.com.

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Testosterone Deficiency Therapy https://mensquests.com/testosterone-deficiency-therapy/ https://mensquests.com/testosterone-deficiency-therapy/#respond Tue, 17 Oct 2017 13:09:16 +0000 http://mensquests.com/?p=184 Testosterone Deficiency Therapy Testosterone is the most important of the male hormones (androgens).  It occurs in both sexes but has different effects. Testosterone deficiency can reduce man’s performance and well-being.…

The post Testosterone Deficiency Therapy appeared first on MensQuests.com.

Testosterone Deficiency Therapy

Testosterone is the most important of the male hormones (androgens).  It occurs in both sexes but has different effects. Testosterone deficiency can reduce man’s performance and well-being. Testosterone deficiency is detected with a testosterone test.

Testosterone belongs to the male sex hormones. It forms the opponent to cortisol and estradiol. The term testosterone was created by its discoverer, Ernst Laqueur. The artificial word is derived from testis (Latin testes) and steroid.

Testosterone deficiency can cause serious health problems because the hormone is involved in many vital metabolic processes. It affects fat and sugar metabolism, blood formation and muscle building and protects the heart and blood vessels.

Body-conscious men like bodybuilders and athletes use testosterone boosters as a dietary supplement to speed up their muscle build-up.

How Is Testosterone Produced?

In men, testosterone is formed to 95% in the male testes, small amounts also in the adrenal gland. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in the cerebrum control the testes. The hormones FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) and ICSH (interstitial cell–stimulating hormone) are released into the blood from the brain pituitary gland.

ICSH is responsible for testosterone production. FSH controls the formation of sperm with the help of testosterone. For this reason, not only a sperm test is useful in the case of an unfulfilled child’s wish, but always a testosterone test.

In women, the female ovaries and the adrenal cortex produce 25% of the female tesseron, while 50% are produced in women by a transformation process in muscle and adipose tissue. In the post-menopause, only 10% of the hormone is formed in the adrenal cortex, 50% in the ovaries (ovaries) and 40% in the fat and muscle tissue.

If the testosterone production is disturbed, this can have considerable health effects. The concentration of the male sex hormone not only influences the performance power. Scientific studies even confirm that testosterone deficiency also lowers the life expectancy of men. They get more often fatal heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, over 40 men should review their testosterone levels every year!

A testosterone deficiency as well as a possible testosterone excess is detectable in men and women with a testosterone test on saliva basis, which you can order here online.

When does a testosterone deficiency occur?

A testosterone deficiency is present when the testosterone level is below the normal values. In men, the testosterone level in the blood serum is highest in the morning and decreases by about 30% in the afternoon. This is why men usually experience the greatest sexual pleasure and are especially powerful in the morning. The testosterone values ​​vary not only in the course of the day, but also depending on the age, the season and other influences.

Normal Testosterone Values – Men

The total testosterone concentration in the blood is in the case of adult men at 2.8 to 11 μg / l and 12 to 40 nmol / l, respectively, in older men is lower than in younger men.

Normal Testosterone Values – Women

In women, the testosterone level between the third and fifth cycle days is about 0.15 to 0.7 μg / l.

Normal Testosterone Values – Children

Young to 12: from 0.01 to 1.77 g / l, 13 – 18 years old: 0.02 to 8.0 g / l

Girl to 12: 0.01 to 0.2 g / l, 13-18 Years: 0.02 – 0.4 μg / l

Only testosterone, which circulates freely in the blood, is biologically active in the body. The bulk of the testosterone is bound up in body white. However, this sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) can also be used for assessment. The testosterone / SHBG ratio in women is between 0.001 and 0.023 μg / nmol, in men between 0.06 and 0.234 μg / nmol.

A testosterone deficiency in men is seen when the testosterone test detects a value below 3.5 ng / ml (μg / l) in serum or 12 nmol / l in the morning. About a third of all men over 60 have a low testosterone level below 12 nmol / l.

If total testosterone is above 12 nmol / l, hormone replacement therapy is not necessary. A testosterone level below 8 nmol / l is necessary. With values ​​between them, other factors play a role in deciding on a therapy. If, for example, hypogonadism is present, an additional administration of testosterone can also be useful at higher values.

What Are Typical Testosterone Deficiency Symptoms?

A reduced release of the hormone testosterone can have a variety of negative effects.  Typical testosterone deficiency symptoms are:

  • Fatigue, drive loss
  • Performance degradation, performance degradation
  • Lack of stress resistance
  • Excessive, anxious state of mind
  • Loss of memory, loss of creativity
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sweats
  • Anemia
  • Bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • Muscle relaxation, muscle relaxation (cheeks, stomach, back, arms, legs)
  • Feminization of the male (female features, growth of the mammary glands, sparse beard growth)
  • Fat build-up, obesity
  • Sexual disorders (libido, weak erections and ejaculation)
  • Enlargement of the prostate, limp penis, too large and too soft prepuce
  • Reduced spermatogenesis (sperm formation), consequence: infertility
  • Increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes
  • Hair Loss: The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a degradation product of testosterone. In hereditary hair loss, an inherited hypersensitivity of the hair roots to DHT can lead to a progressive reduction of the hair roots.

Testosterone Deficiency Causes

Testosterone deficiency in younger men is usually due to injuries, tumors, inflammation or cryptorchidism (congenital high testes).  Also physical work and stress can lower the testosterone. One third person aged 40 or over is affected by the most common form of testosterone deficiency, the so-called late-onset hypogonadism.

The menopausal menopause, the so-called andropause, is manifested by hormonal changes in the organism. Testosterone levels decrease during this phase of life, which is often reflected by an increase in abdominal fat, hair loss, or mood swings.

The testosterone level can also reduce serious diseases such as tumors of the testis or a loss of function of the pituitary front lobe, but also anesthetics as well as the consumption of harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs or certain drugs. If you are not sure to rule out these causes , a drug test can create clarity.

In the case of genetic disorders such as Klinefelter syndrome, the testosterone values ​​are also below the normal values. Boys with this hereditary disease are born with two female and one male sex chromosome (47 XXY).

Testosterone Deficiency Therapy

If the testosterone test detects a testosterone deficiency, many people first resort to anabolic steroids, swallow creatinine or creatine to increase their muscle strength. But this does not increase the test score, because a testosterone deficiency is not a vitamin deficiency! If the disease is a disease-related deficit, the causative disease should be treated.

If you do not have time or nerves to visit different specialists, you can go back to an online doctor. There you will receive counseling, treatment and recipes discreetly online in the event of hair loss or erectile dysfunction.

Testosterone Deficiency Boosters For Men

Testosterone deficiency due to an under-active function of the germ glands (hypogonadism) is usually treated with a testosterone replacement therapy. For this purpose, testosterone gels or testosterone syringes can be used.

Testosterone naturally can also be eliminated by herbal medicines or by phyto-hormones, which stimulate the organism to the body’s hormone production .

Oats, ginseng and tribulus terrestris have proven their worth. Eurycoma longifolia Jack also promotes the increase in testosterone and sexual pleasure in men.

There are also testosterone boosters as a dietary supplement to buy. These products act because they promote athletic and sexual activity and thus indirectly increase testosterone. A combination of Arginine and Maca is particularly effective.

Below are testosterone boosters that have proven results:

Prime Labs Men’s Testosterone Supplement (60 Caplets) – Natural Stamina, Endurance and Strength Booster – Fortifies Metabolism – Promotes Healthy Weight Loss and Fat Burning

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  • Optimized Physical Performance: Suffering from low test impacts energy, strength, and stamina, which is why we developed Prime Test testosterone supplement with natural ingredients that have been used for centuries.
  • Build Stronger, Leaner Muscles: A daily supplement that includes ingredients associated with increased test levels, you can enjoy having more energy to dominate your workouts. Boost vitality and restore youthful energy.
  • Improved Energy & Endurance: Unlike other workout supplements and energy boosters, Prime Test can help you get the stamina and confidence you need to perform better physically. Prime Test may also amplify energy when you need it most.
  • Enhanced Formula: Prime Test contains carefully selected ingredients to help you reach your maximum potential, including only the best ingredients: Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali Extract, and Saw Palmetto Extract.
  • About Prime Labs: Prime Labs is a trusted men’s supplement company that creates products to fuel men on their journey towards becoming their ideal version of themselves. Prime Labs products are tested to ensure quality and are developed and produced in the United States.

Superior Labs Test Worx Testosterone Booster Supplement (60 Capsules)

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  • CLINICALLY TESTED LJ100 and 8 OTHER PROVEN INGREDIENTS - LJ100, a standardized extract of the Tongkat Ali plant, has been clinically proven to reduce SHBG which inhibits the body's energy, stamina, recovery, sleep, and mood. No other formula contains this blend of ingredients designed to provide a substantial and noticeable increase to energy and performance.
  • HIGHEST RATED BOOSTER - TEST WORx delivers noticeable and substantial improvements in energy, stamina, recovery, sleep, mood and performance. Over 1,000,000 capsules sold and hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers!
  • A UNIQUE 6 WEEK FORMULA DESIGNED FOR CONSISTENT RESULTS - Test Worx was designed so you don't have to worry about taking multiple doses throughout the day - you simple take one dose in the morning. The TEST WORx dosing cycle consists of 5 days on 2 days off over a 6 week period. Our formula and recommended dosing regimen support your body's fight to increase Free -T levels.
  • POTENT, PURE, CLEAN, EFFECTIVE - The best ingredients, the strongest dosages, with zero fillers stearates, dioxides. All product made at our NSF and Organic certified Contract Manufacturer in California.
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BOOST ELITE Test Booster Formulated to Increase T-Levels, Vitality & Energy - 9 Powerful Ingredients Including Tribulus, Fenugreek, Yohimbe, Maca & Tongkat Ali, 90 Veggie Caps

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  • 3-IN-1 BOOST. Get the Boost Elite advantage! This one-of-a-kind formula includes powerful boosters formulated to support free t-levels, combat feelings of lethargy and loss of muscle mass, and promote improved stamina
  • Product Note: Exposure to heat or sunlight may lead to melting/damage of product. Hence customers are expected to be available during the product delivery
  • LEAN, MEAN, AND CLEAN. To deliver the best results, our clean herbal formula contains zero gluten, preservatives, or animal products. Tribulus terrestris and fenugreek extracts in each vegetable capsule take center stage to help restore vitality
  • LEVEL UP. Boost Elite helps pump up energy levels and endurance. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to see the benefits. Boost Elite is designed to help support faster recovery time between workouts, so each workout can help you burn fat and gain muscle
  • LIGHT A FIRE. Get your passion back. Boost Elite is the most well-rounded formula on the market, stacking a powerful blend featuring tribulus terrestris, fenugreek, yohimbe, maca, tongkat, and more. Trust us, you'll feel it

GENIUS TEST - The Smart Testosterone Booster, Dynamic Natural Energy Supplement, Brain Support, Libido, Fat Loss & Muscle Building with Trademarked Ashwagandha, Shilajit and Tongkat Ali, 30 Day Cycle

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  • Smart Male Optimization: Genius Test by The Genius Brand is designed to enhance energy, mental clarity, stamina, strength, vigor, and wellness for men. Our natural, scientifically backed formula includes KSM-66 Ashwagandha, Diindolylmethane (DIM), and PrimaVie.* Vegan and made in the USA with no proprietary blends. Serving size 4 capsules, 30 servings per container.
  • Increase Free Testosterone Levels*: KSM-66 Ashwagandha has shown positive outcomes at 600 mg, but we deliver 1,000 mg for optimal testosterone levels with normal range, plus additional benefits including mental clarity and muscle growth.* Additionally, PrimaVie Skilajit-Fulvic Acid has shown to increase free and total testosterone levels.*
  • Decrease Cortisol*: Cortisol and testosterone have an inverse relationship — the higher your cortisol levels are, the lower testosterone is. Genius Test includes several agents that help decrease cortisol and keep you calm.*
  • How to Use: Take 4 capsules once a day with your morning meal. This product does not need to be cycled.
  • Supplement Smarter: Genius Brand supplements are a rejection of backwards industry dogma that misled generations of health and wellness enthusiasts. For us, scientific innovation and natural ingredients come first. Whether you’re a pro athlete, stay-at-home parent, retiree, or anything in between, our products can be of benefit to you. We’re all humans, and we are in this together.

BulkSupplements Pure Longjack Extract Powder (50 grams)

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  • Rich in Natural Nutrients: Step into a world where every serving is a treasure chest of essential nutrients sourced directly from nature. Our Longjack Extract powder, or Tongkat Ali Extract, harness the earth's bounty, providing you with the essential nutrients required for a flourishing overall health and well-being.
  • Intuitive Wellness Support: Feel supported in your wellness journey with our Longjack Extract powder, sourced from Eurycoma longifolia root, designed to complement your natural lifestyle. Suitable for daily use, our Tongkat Ali supplement strives to fit effortlessly into your wellness routine, without any complicated regimens.
  • Simplify Your Wellness Journey: With our Longjack Tongkat Ali Extract, or Tongkat Ali powder, achieving your daily nutritional goals becomes effortless. No more complicated preparation or time-consuming recipes; just a simple, straightforward way to support your wellness with every sip.
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  • Commitment to Excellence: Produced in a facility compliant with strict cGMP standards, our Tongkat Ali supplement, in Longjack Extract powder, stands as a testament to our dedication to quality. You can trust in our product's consistency and excellence, batch after batch.

Extra Strength L Arginine - 1200mg Nitric Oxide Supplement for Muscle Growth, Vascularity & Energy - Powerful NO Booster With L-Citrulline & Essential Amino Acids To Train Longer & Harder

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  • HIGH POTENCY BLEND: A high potency 1200mg complex blend of L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, ensures you receive the maximum benefit from these powerful natural ingredients.
  • NITRIC OXIDE SUPPORT (NO): Our L-Arginine blend supports nitric oxide production to help men dominate their workouts and everyday life.
  • EXERCISE PERFORMANCE: Fuel your workouts with our L-Arginine Capsules, which may help improve exercise endurance and recovery.
  • ONE MONTH SUPPLY: Our product provides a one month supply of dietary supplements, giving you an easy and efficient way to incorporate this nitric oxide supplement into your daily routine.
  • PREMIUM QUALITY: Crafted with care, you can feel confident knowing our ingredients are premium quality and non-GMO! Try our reliable and hassle-free l arginine supplement today!

Food supplements should be supplemented with aromatase inhibitors, which prevent the formation of estrogens. These enzyme inhibitors include indole-3-carbinol, which is present in many varieties of cabbages such as cauliflower, broccoli and rosacea. The chrysin contained in the passion flower can also stimulate testosterone formation.

Last but not least, movement acts like a testosterone booster : 5 kg fat conversion to muscle mass through sport increases testosterone levels by up to 30%. Daily exercise over 20 to 40 minutes acts like a mild hormone therapy!

Drugs and Testosterone Gels

Testosterone deficiency can not only be successfully combated with testosterone boosters, but there are also drugs for increasing testosterone. Androgel has proven itself , also known as Testogel , which can be bought here prescription-free (an online doctor will provide you with the prescription). Another effective drug that contains testosterone and stimulates male sexual function is Testim . This testosterone gel is also available here by means of online doctor without prescription .

Testosterone Deficiency Therapy For Women

DHEA works to increase testosterone in women. Female testosterone deficiency can be balanced with a testosterone patch. The active substance is distributed over 24 hours. Women affected by Libidoverlust , also known as HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder), experienced an increase in sexual activity by 74% within a few months after treatment with a testosterone patch together with estrogen intake.

Testosterone Surplus Therapy

A testosterone surplus can be treated with progesterone, which has an antagonistic (opposing) effect on testosterone. 8 – 12 mg of progesterone are taken daily via a cream.   Zinc, red wine, fennel extract and rye pollen are also testosterone-inhibiting.

What Happens With A Testosterone Excess?

A testosterone test occasionally has no testosterone deficiency, but a testosterone excess. Causes may be disorders or disorders of the adrenal glands, which increases the testosterone release into the blood. The renal function may be impaired, for example, by ingesting strong painkillers such as ketamine. The effects of increased testosterone levels are different in men and women.

Women with high testosterone levels suffer from increased hair growth or masculinization, lack of breast development and lack of menstruation. In women, sport increases testosterone levels, while alcohol, nicotine, and stress reduce testosterone production.

Younger women with severe overweight are more frequently affected by the so-called Stein-Leventhal syndrome, which can lead to cyst formation on the ovaries. Tumors on the ovaries may lead to increased testosterone release.

In boys, excessive testosterone can lead to a pre-existing puberty, which manifests itself in the increased, premature development of sexual characteristics such as armpit and pubic hair as well as beard growth, while the gonad glands are still immature in the testes.

In both sexes, a testosterone increase can lead to growth disorders as well as increasing irritability and aggressiveness.

Where Can I Buy a Testosterone Test?

Testosterone deficiency can be treated better the sooner it is detected. Therefore, it is useful to perform a testosterone test if you notice signs of a testosterone deficiency. You can test yourself at home. A doctor’s visit is not required. If the test is positive, however, you should consult a physician to determine the appropriate therapy.

Testosterone tests can be ordered online here at mensquests.com!

The post Testosterone Deficiency Therapy appeared first on MensQuests.com.

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Low Testosterone Level – Testosterone Deficiency https://mensquests.com/low-testosterone-level/ https://mensquests.com/low-testosterone-level/#respond Tue, 17 Oct 2017 05:34:27 +0000 http://mensquests.com/?p=162 Low Testosterone Level – Causes and Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency Perhaps the word “hormone deficiency” has been associated with women.  But more and more men lack testosterone, the masculine hormone…

The post Low Testosterone Level – Testosterone Deficiency appeared first on MensQuests.com.

Low Testosterone Level – Causes and Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency

Perhaps the word “hormone deficiency” has been associated with women.  But more and more men lack testosterone, the masculine hormone par excellence.  The causes and symptoms of a low testosterone level are manifold.  Numerous factors can be the trigger for testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone is the most important hormone in the male body.  This is particularly evident when it is lacking: if the testicles produce too little testosterone, symptoms occur which significantly impair the quality of life.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone Level / Testosterone Deficiency



  • General loss of vitality, inexplicable fatigue and / or fatigue
  • Less or no desire for sex
  • Declining strength, performance weakness
  • Decrease of muscle mass, increase of adipose tissue
  • Concentration and memory disorders
  • Moody mood, depressed thoughts
  • Sleep disorders
  • Heat sweating, increased sweating
  • Potency problems (erectile dysfunction)
  • Dry skin, reduced body hair

Low Testosterone Level : Testosterone Deficiency

Many men do not take the first signs seriously.  If the body is lacking testosterone (the term “hypogonadism”), the affected individuals do not usually feel clearly sick.   The symptoms are diffuse and are often dismissed as harmless.

  • Constantly tired? This is certainly due to the weather.
  • No more sex? Oh, the stress in the job sometimes hits the libido.
  • Sleep disorders? Well, we have almost every now and then!

In addition, the symptoms of a low level of testosterone or testosterone deficiency rarely occur all at the same time.  The disease often begins creeping and develops over a long period of time.  Life stages, habits and diseases all favor a low testosterone level.

In certain cases, however, it is particularly important to think of a testosterone deficiency as early as the first of the above symptoms.  In certain phases of life, with an unhealthy lifestyle and / or existing diseases, the danger is particularly great to develop a deficiency in the masculinity hormone.

Andropause is the term of life of a man, in which his hormonal balance changes noticeably and the testosterone drops sharply.

Causes of Low Testosterone Level / Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone and Age

“Andropause” is sometimes referred to as the life stage of a man in whom his hormonal balance changes noticeably and the testosterone drops sharply.  Today, it is known that only part of the older men are affected.

Between the ages of 35 and 40, each man’s testosterone level drops by one to two percent per year. This is a very natural process. The hormone drop is so slight that a healthy man should not notice it.

In some men, however, over the years – from the age of 50 to 55 years – the symptoms are so low that they develop symptoms of deficiency such as hot flashes, diminished libido or impotence.

Whether the hormone deficiency is so great that it needs to be treated, or the symptoms are normal companionship of the aging process or a stressful life, only a doctor can decide.

Unhealthy Lifestyle, Overweight

Testosterone deficiency also occurs more and more frequently at a young age.  In many patients, this is the case along with overweight and / or unhealthy habits.  Excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, one-sided diet and also drug abuse can hinder testosterone production.

Especially abdominal overweight (“metabolic syndrome”) can quickly lead to a testosterone deficiency due to certain hormonal processes in the body.

Too little exercise and / or mental activity can push the testosterone level.


Certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, increased blood fat (“cholesterol”) and metabolic syndrome often occur together with testosterone deficiency.

Stress / mental problems

Permanent stress in the workplace, family problems or mental illness (such as depression, burnout syndrome) can have a negative effect on testosterone production.

Basic Diseases / Family Pre-stress / Medication

In a number of men, a testosterone deficiency can result from underlying other diseases.  This is also a medical examination.  Testosterone deficiency can also have genetic causes. Klinefelter syndrome is due to a mis-distribution of the genetic material, the chromosomes, and is associated with a testosterone deficiency.   In addition, drugs that interfere with the hormone balance or even certain antidepressants can lower testosterone levels.

Is every man affected?

The values ​​should remain within the normal range even in old age.  After the age of 35 (in some cases slightly earlier, some later), a slow drop in the testosterone level occurs in all men.  This is completely normal.  In healthy men, however, the masculinity hormone is only one to two percent per year, so the values ​​often remain within the normal range even in old age.

Testosterone deficiency occurs in older age.  More and more men are suffering from testosterone deficiency in America.  At least one in five men have a too low level of testosterone.  For all older men, the testosterone level drops over the years.

Common concomitant diseases of testosterone deficiency are:

  • high blood pressure
  • overweight
  • diabetes
  • increased blood fats (“cholesterol”)

Testosterone deficiency in combination with unhealthy lifestyle

A low testosterone level can also occur in young men.  In addition to specific diseases such as a Klinefelter’s disease, an unhealthy lifestyle and its physical consequences can cause a testosterone deficiency in young men. More and more younger patients suffer from typical civilization diseases such as hypertension, metabolic syndrome or type II diabetes.

Habits and civilization disorders that lower testosterone levels:

  • overweight / obesity (especially the “Metabolic Syndrome“, with increased fat formation in the abdomen)
  • lack of exercise
  • unhealthy / irregular die
  • smoking
  • alcohol consumption
  • consumption of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine etc
  • stress

Most patients suffer from concomitant illnesses – or live unhealthy

Only to a minor extent is a malfunction of the testicular cause of a testosterone deficiency.  Most patients who have a testosterone deficiency suffer from concomitant illnesses or maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, which affects the regulation of the testosterone level.

Forms of Testosterone Deficiency

The hormone testosterone is produced in the Leydig cells of the testicle.  Testosterone production is controlled by the pituitary gland and other centers. If there is a defect, three types are distinguished.  It is important to know where and why problems arise with the testosterone production.

Key factors responsible for low testosterone levels: cigarettes & alcohol

An unhealthy lifestyle often leads to deficiency symptoms.  The testosterone level is lowered by an unfavorable metabolism, stress, chronic diseases or operations into the deficiency range.  The most common is the deficiency of overweight men, with age-related testosterone decline.

Age-related testosterone deficiency

In all men the testosterone production decreases with increasing age.  The process starts at about the age of 35.  As the age grows, the testosterone level drops below the normal values, with an increasing percentage of men.

However, an increasing number of men develop a hormone deficiency over the years that can be associated with unpleasant symptoms such as drowsiness, muscle weakness, libidomaniacs or erectile dysfunction. Very often, not only is age but also an unhealthy lifestyle with overweight, one-sided diet, cigarettes or too much alcohol responsible for a low testosterone level.  Also mental or physical stress can lead to a noticeable low testosterone level.

Primary testosterone deficiency / hypogonadism

Sometimes a disorder of hormone formation in the testis is the cause of the low testosterone level.  Doctors then speak of “primary testosterone deficiency” (also: primary hypogonadimus).  This disorder may be congenital, such as in Klinefelter syndrome, where a gene defect leads to a deficiency of the androgen.

A primary testosterone deficiency can also be caused by the following disorders: diseases of the testes, for example inflammations, infections or testicular cancer, injuries, for example a twisting of the testes (hodentorsion), developing disorders, e.g. testicular height (inguinal hocks), missing testes (congenital or by surgery, eg after cancer)

Secondary testosterone deficiency / hypogonadism

To stimulate testosterone production in the testes, the control centers in the brain (pituitary / hypothalamus) have to emit messenger substances (e.g. LH, GnRH).  If this process is disturbed, physicians speak of “secondary testosterone deficiency” (also: secondary hypogonadimus).  An underlying disease can be, for example, the condition after surgery of a hypophysis dorsal or a thyroid dysfunction. Drugs, circulatory disorders, disease or drug use may also lead to a secondary testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone Gel or Injection: What is the right therapy for me?

The doctor has diagnosed you with a testosterone deficiency.  Now they will decide together which therapy is best for you.  Testosterone injections or testosterone gels are often prescribed.

However, you should be involved in deciding on the type of testosterone therapy.  As a rule, you can rely on the advice of your doctor: Testosterone therapy is something quite common to most andrologists and urologists, most of whom can rely on numerous experience values.

Gels and injections are the most effective remedies for testosterone deficiency.  Often, gels or injections are prescribed.  Both embodiments have various advantages.  Testosterone gel is applied once daily to the skin.  Testosterone injections are administered at intervals at the doctor’s office.

Testosterone Gel

Many men prefer the use of a testosterone gel because they themselves control their therapy. The testosterone-containing gel is applied once daily, usually in the morning, to upper arms, shoulders or stomach. The masculinity hormone is then evenly distributed into the blood over the skin for 24 hours.


  • Very uncomplicated application – fast action: The gel dries without residue. The effect is very fast as the testosterone level is normalized on the first day. From the second day, a constant value has been reached, which remains stable in the long term if used regularly.
  • Discrete treatment: After the gel has dried on the skin, the testosterone treatment remains completely invisible to others. However, avoid the direct skin contact of the application sites with other persons.
  • Individually dosed: When you are treated with testosterone gel, keep full control. Any overdose or underdosing can be compensated by an adjustment of the applied gel quantity – after consultation with the doctor. By more gel, testosterone levels and testosterone effects can be flexibly increased, reduced by less gel. Also, the treatment can be interrupted at any time, if necessary.
  • Even testosterone levels: The hormone levels remain even over a longer period of use, there are no unwanted testosterone highlights or “absacker”
  • Flexibility: The therapy can be carried out both at home and on the road.


  • Large application area
  • Occasionally skin irritations are possible
  • Children and pregnant women must not come into contact with the testosterone gel.

After each treatment, thorough, very thorough hand washing is required.  Thanks to the testosterone gel, the hormone is released into the blood through the skin in 24 hours.

Testosterone Injections

Testosterone injections are generally administered in the doctor’s office.  The hormone is injected into the buttock muscle. The testosterone injections have a depot effect.  That is, the hormone is stored in the body and acts there over a longer period of time.  There are two types of testosterone injections. In the “3-month syringe”, the patient visits the doctor’s office every 10 to 14 weeks to get the masculine hormone injected.


  • Very comfortable because the patient does not have to think about the treatment over a longer period of time.
  • For each treatment, a personal consultation with the doctor is possible (for questions, etc.).


  • The treatment is dependent on the doctor’s visit, i.e. the patient can not become active himself.
  • In case of possible side effects the effect can not be interrupted immediately for a longer period of time.
  • An oily solution is injected into the muscle.  Therefore, it can be a bit painful. In rare cases, the oil may spread in the blood vessel system causing serious discomfort that may need medical attention.
  • Often the effect increases shortly after the injection, in order to fall then noticeably in the days / weeks before the next injection.  This so-called “testosterone hole” at the end of the injection interval may be associated with mood swings and heat buildup.

At the beginning of the treatment, the individual interval up to the next syringe can not yet be specified precisely (because there are no empirical values ​​yet).

In addition to the “3-month-injection”, there is the classic testosterone injection.  It has a shorter duration: the patient gets an injection in the doctor’s office every two to three weeks. Pros and cons are by and large the same as in the 3-month-injection.  Due to the shorter duration of the action, however, the doctor can react more quickly in case of undesirable side effects and change the dosage.

Check-Ups Are Important

During the testosterone treatment, control visits are very important to the treating physician.  In the first year of treatment, the doctor will measure the testosterone level, determine a blood count (blood collection), prostate and general physical condition every three to six months. If the treatment has been successful and has been running for at least one year, only annual checks are carried out.

Diagnosis of Testosterone Deficiency

Many men avoid doctor’s visits for as long as possible.  Perhaps you are no exception?  The diagnosis of a testosterone deficiency is really not a big deal.

“I’m constantly tired and can not pull myself to anything … Probably too much stress!” 

Too much stress?  The symptoms that a low testosterone level can cause are creepy and are often diffuse.  Many men do not even think they can be sick.  However, especially from the age of 35, it is important to have the testosterone level checked even at the first symptoms (e.g. unexplained fatigue, performance drop, muscle loss, weight gain, no desire for sex, erectile dysfunction).

Early detection is important

Studies have shown that men with low testosterone levels are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than men with testosterone levels.  It is therefore important to identify and compensate for a deficiency at an early stage.

In addition, the earlier a hormone deficiency is discovered, the easier it can be corrected. Sometimes a change in the way of life is enough. Treatment with testosterone, e.g .in the form of a testosterone gel , will often be necessary.

The diagnosis is uncomplicated

The physician (e.g. a urologist, the family doctor or an andrologist) can determine relatively easily a low testosterone level.  In the consultation hours, you can first describe your complaints. Afterwards, your physician may perform a physical examination that provides information on the general constitution (physique, skin, muscle strength).

The diagnosis Testosterone deficiency is ensured by a blood test.  Only a blood test brings certainty

If your doctor suspects you are suffering from testosterone deficiency, the diagnosis is confirmed by a blood test.

Important: The diagnosis testosterone deficiency / low testosterone level can only be ensured if typical symptoms occur and the testosterone values ​​determined by the laboratory are below the normal range.  Doctor’s visit and blood tests are mandatory for diagnosis.

Testosterone Boosters

High T Ultra Gel - #1 Best Testosterone Booster - Hardcore Muscle Formulation

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  • 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (TRY RISK FREE) - Your satisfaction has no time limit. We guarantee you will get REAL results in feeling increased energy, libido and recovery. If you don't, return the testosterone drops to us for a full and prompt refund.
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  • PROVEN RESULTS - The Ultra6 Testosterone Drops' ingredients are clinically proven to increase Testosterone in Humans (not mice or other animals). Our liquid formula absorbs quicker and more efficiently than pills and capsules, giving you a product that is guaranteed to work.
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  • FREE TELEPHONE SUPPORT - Get free telephone support for questions and guidance with product usage or any other needs you may have.

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  • Plus DHEA and Tribulus Terrestris
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Testo Extreme Anabolic (30ml : 1 Month Supply) Strongest Legal Testosterone Booster : Muscle Growth & Strength Body Building Supplement

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Prime Labs Men’s Testosterone Supplement (60 Caplets) – Natural Stamina, Endurance and Strength Booster – Fortifies Metabolism – Promotes Healthy Weight Loss and Fat Burning

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  • Optimized Physical Performance: Suffering from low test impacts energy, strength, and stamina, which is why we developed Prime Test testosterone supplement with natural ingredients that have been used for centuries.
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  • About Prime Labs: Prime Labs is a trusted men’s supplement company that creates products to fuel men on their journey towards becoming their ideal version of themselves. Prime Labs products are tested to ensure quality and are developed and produced in the United States.

Superior Labs Test Worx Testosterone Booster Supplement (60 Capsules)

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  • CLINICALLY TESTED LJ100 and 8 OTHER PROVEN INGREDIENTS - LJ100, a standardized extract of the Tongkat Ali plant, has been clinically proven to reduce SHBG which inhibits the body's energy, stamina, recovery, sleep, and mood. No other formula contains this blend of ingredients designed to provide a substantial and noticeable increase to energy and performance.
  • HIGHEST RATED BOOSTER - TEST WORx delivers noticeable and substantial improvements in energy, stamina, recovery, sleep, mood and performance. Over 1,000,000 capsules sold and hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers!
  • A UNIQUE 6 WEEK FORMULA DESIGNED FOR CONSISTENT RESULTS - Test Worx was designed so you don't have to worry about taking multiple doses throughout the day - you simple take one dose in the morning. The TEST WORx dosing cycle consists of 5 days on 2 days off over a 6 week period. Our formula and recommended dosing regimen support your body's fight to increase Free -T levels.
  • POTENT, PURE, CLEAN, EFFECTIVE - The best ingredients, the strongest dosages, with zero fillers stearates, dioxides. All product made at our NSF and Organic certified Contract Manufacturer in California.
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GENIUS TEST - The Smart Testosterone Booster, Dynamic Natural Energy Supplement, Brain Support, Libido, Fat Loss & Muscle Building with Trademarked Ashwagandha, Shilajit and Tongkat Ali, 30 Day Cycle

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  • Smart Male Optimization: Genius Test by The Genius Brand is designed to enhance energy, mental clarity, stamina, strength, vigor, and wellness for men. Our natural, scientifically backed formula includes KSM-66 Ashwagandha, Diindolylmethane (DIM), and PrimaVie.* Vegan and made in the USA with no proprietary blends. Serving size 4 capsules, 30 servings per container.
  • Increase Free Testosterone Levels*: KSM-66 Ashwagandha has shown positive outcomes at 600 mg, but we deliver 1,000 mg for optimal testosterone levels with normal range, plus additional benefits including mental clarity and muscle growth.* Additionally, PrimaVie Skilajit-Fulvic Acid has shown to increase free and total testosterone levels.*
  • Decrease Cortisol*: Cortisol and testosterone have an inverse relationship — the higher your cortisol levels are, the lower testosterone is. Genius Test includes several agents that help decrease cortisol and keep you calm.*
  • How to Use: Take 4 capsules once a day with your morning meal. This product does not need to be cycled.
  • Supplement Smarter: Genius Brand supplements are a rejection of backwards industry dogma that misled generations of health and wellness enthusiasts. For us, scientific innovation and natural ingredients come first. Whether you’re a pro athlete, stay-at-home parent, retiree, or anything in between, our products can be of benefit to you. We’re all humans, and we are in this together.

High T Testosterone Booster Supplement, 60 Count

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  • REVERSE YOUR NATURAL TESTOSTERONE DECLINE: All men see a natural decline in testosterone over the years. High T was formulated to reverse that decline and help you reclaim your youthful testosterone levels, building energy and increasing your libido.
  • USE STAMINA TO BUILD STRENGTH AND MUSCLE MASS: Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) works in harmony with your body to increase blood flow, giving you the stamina to make it through your workouts and encourage your body to build muscle mass and strength.
  • INCREASE YOUR ENERGY IN THE BEDROOM: Keep your energy levels high throughout the day and boost your libido naturally, so you can bring intimacy back to your relationships and have enough energy to perform in the bedroom.
  • SCIENTIFICALLY BACKED INGREDIENTS: High T was designed using scientifically backed ingredients, including B12, which is known to increase energy naturally, and Rhodiola rosea.

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