Increase Testosterone Levels
Increase Testosterone Levels
Many men suffer from low testosterone levels and its physical and psychological consequences. So-called phytoestrogen, which can help with naturopathic harmonization of the hormone balance, has long been known for women with hormone disorders. Male phytoandrogen, however, is much less well known, but can help men increase their testosterone levels. In addition, certain vital substances and foods can be selected that have a positive effect on testosterone levels.
Low Testosterone Levels – The Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency
Men’s menopause is not really accepted by our society yet, but of course that doesn’t change anything about their existence. Men who are affected experience falling testosterone levels and associated symptoms, including the following:
- Irritability, dissatisfaction and fears;
- Lack of energy and tiredness (e.g. falling asleep immediately after eating), sleep disturbances at night;
- Declining libido;
- Less frequent morning erections;
- Declining muscle strength;
- Lower athletic performance and lower performance in everyday work;
- Hot flashes, sweats;
- Small testicles;
- Less beard and chest hair growth;
- Increased abdominal fat accumulation;
- Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure);
- Decreasing bone density;
- Joint pain (which has nothing to do with arthrosis or arthritis, but is hormonal)
The symptoms of testosterone deficiency already show what tasks testosterone – the so-called male hormone – normally has in healthy men.
It gives strength and assertiveness, ensures a healthy libido and potency, increases bone density and allows body hair to sprout. Women also have testosterone, but in much smaller amounts than men.
Menopause in Men: Does It Exist or Does It Not Exist?
Why isn’t men’s menopause taken seriously? Quite simply because most medical scientists still believe they don’t exist – not because they haven’t been found in any studies. There is too much focus on a comparison with women’s menopause. Women lose their fertility during menopause, men do not necessarily. So there is no menopause in men.
However, menopause is not defined by the degree of fertility. Menopause is just a time of hormonal changes and declining hormone performance – and this is exactly the time for men too.
Due to the ignorance on the part of the so-called “experts”, the symptoms are not recognized or misinterpreted. People are only too happy to blame the corresponding psychological complaints on a mid-life crisis, which of course breaks into the life of the man concerned without any reason. Physical symptoms, on the other hand, are regarded as completely normal signs of aging that occur sooner or later and with which one has to put up with – as is often the case in conventional medicine. Even today, hardly any doctor thinks of a testosterone deficiency.
The problem is occasionally discussed in the media, for example: “One in five men has too little testosterone in their blood,” and “doctors are puzzled about the causes: not only in old age, but increasingly younger people also have a deficiency.”
Declining Testosterone Levels: The Causes
“Younger” here means 30 to 40 years old. Testosterone levels can be low even at this age if certain factors come together. These factors include:
- Overweight with a lot of belly fat (apple type), since the female hormone estrogen is formed in the abdominal fat tissue. The following therefore applies: the fattier the abdomen, the lower the testosterone level. And: If you are overweight and want to increase your testosterone levels, you have to lose weight.
- Stress, as the stress hormone cortisol lowers testosterone levels.
- Lack of exercise as exercise raises testosterone levels.
One of the most important causes of the falling testosterone level is also the hormonal effect of the so-called endocrine disruptors. These are chemicals from the environment that have a similar effect to hormones in the body and can therefore irritate the hormonal balance.
Some of examples of hormonal disorders caused by endocrine disruptors include:
- Plasticizers such as bisphenol A found in plastics made of polycarbonate, epoxy resins, polyester, PVC etc. and organophosphates (pesticides in agriculture and in allotments);
- Phthalates in pharmaceuticals (e.g. in those that are resistant to gastric acid, i.e. they only release their active ingredients in the intestine), plastics and personal care products;
- Flame retardants known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) e.g. in upholstered furniture;
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) derived from waste gases from wood and petroleum or coal combustion;
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), once used as coolants and lubricants for transformers and other electronic equipment (PCBs have been banned but can still exist in the environment for decades.)
So we’re constantly dealing with these substances, no matter what we do, what we buy, what we eat. And so it’s no wonder if the consequences of this constant external hormonal stress show up in the form of health problems.
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men – The Side Effects
Menopause in men is a typical invention that only the pharmaceutical industry benefits from. It rightly draws attention to the dangers of replacement therapy with synthetic hormones, which some so-called anti-aging doctors would like to recommend to their male patients.
A synthetic hormone replacement therapy is actually only to be used in cases of hardship. For example, it can damage the liver and kidneys, lead to cardiovascular problems, increase cholesterol, enlarge the sebaceous glands, irritate the thyroid, increase the risk of depression or increase the PSA level (which can indicate prostate disease including prostate cancer) .
Get Testosterone Levels Measured
Who is right and whether one would like to describe the age-related testosterone deficiency as menopause or not, can be completely indifferent to the individual man. Those who suffer from a certain complex of symptoms just want to know what is causing it.
In order to rule out a testosterone deficiency, one could therefore simply initiate a corresponding blood test at the family doctor or urologist, whereby it often takes a lot of persuasion until the respective doctor agrees.
Testosterone Home Test
There are now home tests that you can order online. To do this, a saliva sample is sent to a laboratory, which reports the result within a few days. You can choose which hormones you want to have tested.
Here are some of testosterone home test kits:

However, it is often not just the amount of a single hormone that matters, but also the relationship between the various hormones (testosterone, estradiol and DHEA (DHEA is the precursor of both female and male sex hormones)). Therefore, there are also tests that examine all sex hormones that are relevant for men.
Blood tests usually automatically check several hormones at the same time.
Advantage of the saliva test: While the hormones bound to proteins and thus ineffective hormones are also measured in the blood, only the free and effective hormones are present in the saliva.
Increase Testosterone Levels – The Naturopathic Measures
If the testosterone level is perfect, there is no need for any further consideration in this direction. However, if you do find low testosterone levels, these are a few options you can consider.
1. Increase testosterone levels with phytoandrogens
Phytoandrogens are plants that contain plant androgens (“male hormones”) that stimulate androgen production in the body or inhibit androgen breakdown. Phytoandrogens therefore increase the level of free testosterone and also ensure a healthy testosterone-estrogen balance.
Alternatively, you can find the following program to increase testosterone levels (e.g. for three months or in consultation with a doctor/non-medical practitioner):
- Pine pollen tincture (commercially available under the name pine pollen tincture): Just under half a teaspoon three times a day
- Nettle root: 1200 mg daily
- Tribulus terrestris: 500 mg three times a day
- Panax Ginseng: ¼ tsp daily
- Tienchi Ginseng: 1/3 teaspoon three times a day
- Eleuthero Root Tincture: 1 tsp twice daily
The medicinal plants mentioned have the following effect on the organism:
Pine pollen is particularly rich in testosterone-like plant hormones. Pine seeds (pine nuts) also contain some plant-based testosterone, but not as much as pollen. Scots pine and black pine pollen are suitable if someone wants to collect the pollen themselves in early spring.
However, it is said that the pollen is not easy to digest, so the bioavailability of the active ingredients is not that high. To increase bioavailability, manufacturers of pine pollen products crush the pollen cones very thoroughly and then make a tincture from them.
Of course, pine pollen does not only affect the hormone balance. They also increase the body’s antioxidant levels, stimulate liver regeneration and lower cholesterol levels .
The plant hormones found in pine pollen include plant testosterone and DHEA as well as brassinosteroids. They ensure lush growth in the plant. Their structure is very similar to that of human steroids. Pine pollen also contains glutathione transferases. In addition, the glutathione transferases are involved in the production of testosterone and progesterone, ie they promote testosterone synthesis.
The testosterone content of the pine is so high that female fish living near paper mills that process pine wood can turn into male fish.
* Pine pollen from pine trees can be found here at this link.
Nettle root is known for its prostate-friendly effect. It is therefore often used in benign prostate enlargement (BPH). However, the actual mechanism of action has not yet been fully elucidated.
On the one hand, nettle root prevents DHT (dihydrotestosterone) from binding to SHBG (a transporter protein). This keeps the proportion of free and effective testosterone higher. The testosterone level increases.
DHT is actually the active testosterone. Testosterone, on the other hand, is really just a precursor hormone that can be converted to either DHT or estrogen.
It is precisely this latter transformation that can be blocked by the nettle root. It inhibits the so-called aromatase, an enzyme that would normally lead to the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and in this way keeps testosterone levels up.
It is sometimes said that in order to improve BPH, one must lower DHT levels. And since nettle root can help with BPH, it was thought that it actually lowered testosterone levels.
However, BPH is probably more about regulation of the testosterone/estrogen ratio. In men, testosterone levels drop with increasing age (yes, from the age of 30, so they say). The estrogen level, however, usually remains constant. Sooner or later an imbalance occurs here, which is why a natural increase in testosterone levels is helpful in order to achieve hormonal balance again. And this is exactly where the nettle root can help.
* You can find organic quality nettle root here at this link.
Tribulus terrestris is also called earth star and comes from the tropics and subtropics. The fruits of the plant are used.
Tribulus is known as a remedy for kidney health, as it prevents or reduces kidney stones and can protect and care for the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. It is also THE plant for promoting masculinity as well as male vitality and fertility. Tribulus is said to increase sperm count and sperm motility.
A clinical study showed that taking 500 mg of tribulus (a dry extract) three times a day for 60 days significantly increased sperm production in patients suffering from idiopathic OAT syndrome (they had insufficient sperm for no apparent reason). In 80 percent of men, libido improved at the same time as did the qualities of erection, orgasm, and ejaculation.
However, whether the testosterone level can also be raised is still unclear. Tribulus cannot increase further in healthy men, but the fruit seems to have an effect on impotent men.
* Tribulus terrestris can be found here at this link.
Panax ginseng is known as an energy tonic that gives new vitality and mental clarity and improves fertility. Many of the typical areas of application of ginseng are also present in the case of a testosterone deficiency, e.g. concentration and sleep disorders, tiredness, lack of energy, reduced libido, weakness etc.
In a clinical study, ginseng increased testosterone levels and sperm count in participants, as well as improving sperm motility. And in two Russian studies, half of the subjects recovered from impotence, while the other half saw a significant improvement.
When buying Panax ginseng, please make sure that it is Asian ginseng and not American. A tincture is also recommended – ideally combined with a Tienchi Ginseng tincture (see next point). Both tinctures should be at least a 1:5 tincture, meaning that the tincture is made up of 1 part plants to 5 parts liquid.
* Panax ginseng can be found here at this link.
Tienchi ginseng is another type of ginseng, but its effects are similar to Panax ginseng. Tienchi Ginseng also improves sperm motility. It also stimulates the release of nitric oxide, a substance that stimulates blood flow and is essential for a satisfactory erection.
The blood circulation-promoting effect is of course also a blessing for the entire cardiovascular system, which is why clinical studies with people suffering from coronary heart disease showed a significant improvement in the typical angina pectoris symptoms.
It is true that ginseng contains the ginsenoside Rg1, which is known to be a potent phytoestrogen. However, only this isolated substance acts like an estrogen, but not a dietary supplement or tincture made from the whole ginseng root.
* Tienchi Ginseng can be found here at this link.
Eleutherococcus is also called Siberian ginseng. The root or just the bark of the root is used. Eleutherococcus contains at least two androgenically active substances (eleutheroside-B1 and eleutheroside-E), so it is not very surprising that the plant was able to prevent the atrophy (decay) of the prostate in studies and that in castrated animals the testosterone level was completely normal despite the absence of testicles could hold level.
Eleutherococcus is also considered a liver protection plant and adaptogen. Adaptogens are medicinal plants that can make you more resistant to stress. They ensure that stress no longer bothers you so much, that you can concentrate better and that you become mentally much more efficient.
In addition to Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea is also an extremely effective adaptogen – stress killer and herbal antidepressant
However, when buying the Eleutherococcus tincture, care should be taken to ensure that it is a tincture based on a Russian recipe, which means that it is at least a 1:1 tincture or, even better, a 2:1 tincture.
*Eleutherococcus can be found here at this link.
Note that the effects mentioned above have been handed down in particular from traditional naturopathy and therefore do not necessarily meet scientific standards. Although some effects were checked in studies in the countries of origin (China, India, etc.), the studies were never translated into English.
Current studies are also often carried out with young and athletic men with healthy testosterone levels, which rarely has an effect. Because medicinal plants are not boosters that raise a hormone level to limitless and dizzying heights at any time and in every person. Rather, they help the organism to achieve the individually healthy and appropriate values when the level is too low, or at least to improve the symptoms.
In any case, discuss the use of these plant extracts with your doctor or naturopath who is experienced in phytotherapy.
2. Increase testosterone levels with certain supplements
In order to meet all the requirements for a successful increase in testosterone levels, it is of course also important to be well supplied with all vital substances, especially those that are essential for testosterone formation.
These include, in particular, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and the B vitamins. However, those dietary supplements that do not necessarily raise the testosterone level but generally have a very positive effect on men’s health (e.g. on the prostate, erections, sperm quality, libido, performance, etc.) are also helpful.
Zinc: The formation of testosterone is dependent on a zinc-containing enzyme. Without zinc, this enzyme cannot work and testosterone levels drop. If a zinc deficiency is remedied, the testosterone level also increases again.
Maca: The powder from a South American root cannot increase testosterone levels, but it still has great effects on the male body. Maca increases sperm production and can counteract abnormal prostate enlargement. In addition, Maca increases mental performance and is good for the bones.
L-Arginine: This amino acid has a beneficial effect on sperm quality and is an important source of nitric oxide, the properties of which we have already described above for Teinchi Ginseng. So, L-arginine can be helpful in these matters. However, L-arginine could not increase the testosterone level even with a daily intake of 3 g. L-arginine plus pine bark extract for erectile dysfunction and L-arginine for muscle building and potency.
Olive leaf extract: The substance oleuropein is found in the olive leaf and also in smaller amounts in olive oil. It can raise the LH level and thus also the testosterone level, at the same time the stress hormone level is reduced. A specific dose is not known here, so we recommend implementing the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
Magnesium: Magnesium clearly raises testosterone levels, in both athletes and men who prefer a leisurely lifestyle.
Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is said to increase testosterone levels when taken at 3,000 IU per day, as the vitamin is involved in regulating testosterone levels by inhibiting aromatase (see nettle root above).
B Vitamins: Most B vitamins are involved in testosterone production at some point, so as with any health issue, they play an important role here as well.
Therefore, check your supply of the vital substances and nutrients mentioned. If there is a deficiency in one area, take appropriate nutritional supplements, e.g. e.g.:
- 25 – 30 mg zinc gluconate
- 300-400 mg magnesium
- as much vitamin D3 as you need
- high-dose vitamin B complex e.g. B. B-Vitamin Mix from effective nature
- The combination of astaxanthin and saw palmetto extract was also able to increase testosterone levels in a study.
3. Increase testosterone levels with certain foods
Diet can also affect testosterone levels by providing all the building blocks necessary for the formation of testosterone, supplying the relevant organs with all essential nutrients, and protecting the body from oxidative stress.
In addition, a diet that can increase testosterone levels provides testosterone-like substances and also nourishes the kidneys and adrenal glands.
These two organs are particularly closely linked to the male sex hormone balance. In addition to the testicles, the adrenal glands are another production site for testosterone. And the kidneys interact so much with testosterone that it is said that a man’s kidneys can only be as healthy as his sex hormone balance. If this is disturbed, the kidneys also suffer.
It is known, for example, that men with kidney disease usually have excessive estrogen levels and low testosterone levels at the same time. Diseased kidneys can lead to impotence.
Foods that now have a positive effect on testosterone levels and may increase them include the following:
- Celery contains significant amount of testosterone-like compounds and is also known to help keep the kidneys and adrenal glands healthy. For example, celery lowers blood pressure, which the kidneys particularly like. Eat 3 to 4 sticks of celery a day, or juice them and drink the juice (mixed with other freshly squeezed juices, such as kale, cucumber, spinach, and apple).
- Corn and especially the corn juice, the corn threads or the corn pollen are considered tonic to raise the testosterone level. Corn increases LH secretion, and LH is known to increase testosterone levels. Simply juice or blend 60-120g of fresh baby corn and mix with the freshly squeezed celery juice .
- Cucumbers are known for their kidney-friendly effects. They provide lots of organic water and are great to mix with the above juice to dilute it.
- Kale is one of the healthiest foods of all, which should not be missing in therapy to naturally increase testosterone levels. Kale and other cabbage plants contain substances that prevent too much estrogen from being formed from testosterone. Cabbages also provide plenty of beta-carotene, vitamin C, chlorophyll, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid and a lot of anti-cancer substances.
- Spinach is as rich in vital substances as kale and, due to its nitrate content, improves the oxygen supply to the cells, which can be expressed in increased muscle growth, among other things. Spinach supports muscle formation, the mechanism by which spinach and other nitrate-rich vegetables give the body more strength and performance and can thus counteract general physical weakness.
- Oats should be an important part of any diet and are best eaten on a daily basis. The oats taste excellent, are easily digestible and literally give you the strength of a bear. Oats are said to lower SHBG levels and thus increase the amount of free testosterone. In addition, oats have a relaxing effect on the nerves, which is also very beneficial for the hormone balance. Because the less the nerves are stressed, the less stress hormones are released, which would otherwise lower the testosterone level.
- Garlic is a traditional means of increasing testosterone levels. Especially in studies with animals, garlic showed a resounding effect in terms of testosterone levels. However, you also have to consume a corresponding amount in order to achieve something with the garlic alone. In the studies, it’s 0.8 percent of the daily calorie intake. So if you eat 2,500kcal, for example, then 20kcal would be required in the form of garlic – that’s about 15g of garlic or 5 cloves of garlic, each 3g. If you hear warnings about garlic that it tends to lower testosterone levels, don’t worry. This is possible, but only if the garlic content of your meals is 10 to 30 percent, which hardly anyone will do from a culinary point of view.
- Pine nuts have long been considered an aphrodisiac and a means of enhancing libido and potency. Consuming a mixture of pine nuts, almonds and honey three nights in a row can help you feel an increase in masculinity and vitality.
- Like the pine pollen mentioned above, pine nuts also contain testosterone-like compounds and can have a positive effect on testosterone levels.
If none of the above options are sufficient, you can take action with bioidentical hormone preparations. These are not synthetic hormones that never really resemble the body’s own hormones, only slightly resemble them, but hormones that are absolutely identical to the body’s own.
4. Increase testosterone levels with bioidentical hormone supplements
Before you go directly to testosterone preparations, it is much more advisable to take the precursors of testosterone or apply them as a cream/gel. Then the organism can produce the required amount of testosterone itself without running the risk of overdosing in the long term. This is of course also possible with bioidentical hormones, which could then also lead to undesirable side effects.
The precursors of testosterone are DHEA (25 – 50 mg per day) and progesterone or pregnenolone (15 – 100 mg per day) – depending on the test result and age. The latter is made from the yam root and is in turn the precursor of testosterone, DHEA and progesterone.
Progesterone in particular is considered a hormone that is often found in insufficient amounts in men. However, if it disappears, the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease increases at the same time.
However, taking bioidentical hormone preparations should always be discussed with a knowledgeable therapist. Appropriate doctors and non-medical practitioners can be found on the Internet.
You can only work with a testosterone gel if a really massive testosterone deficiency is discovered in the saliva or blood test.
At the same time, there are factors you should absolutely avoid if you want to see your testosterone levels rise. These include, on the one hand, the sources of endocrine disruptors mentioned above and, the testosterone-lowering risk factors described below.
Increase Testosterone Levels: Avoid Testosterone Enemies
In any case, you should avoid alcohol and products or drinks that contain hops, such as beer.
Hops belong to a very strong phytoestrogen, which was known since ancient times because girls who worked regularly in hop fields became sexually mature very early. When men consume this plant-based estrogen, their testosterone levels drop. The ability of the testes to produce testosterone also decreases in the presence of hops.
A liquorice tea from time to time is not a problem, but you should not consume a pack of liquorice sticks every day. Because liquorice can increase the cortisol level, which in turn lowers the testosterone level.
If you also regularly take certain medications, you should check whether they can have a negative effect on your testosterone levels. These include, for example:
- Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, and acetaminophen
- antibiotics
- antifungal agents such as fluconazole
- statins
- antidepressants
- antihypertensive
- heart medication
For more detailed information, we recommend Stephen Harrod Buhner’s book: The Natural Testosterone Plan.
Important NOTE
This article was written on the basis of various studies (at the time of publication), but should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Therefore, it does not replace a visit to your doctor. Always discuss any measure (whether from this or another articles) with your doctor first.